Friday, July 27, 2012

Workshops & clinics - Tour dates

Hello everybody!

These are some of my new dates coming up, I hope you can join us....
I will be doing some workshops and clinics in August, check them out below, and please go to my website ( for more information, tickets, directions and etc.

Aug 4 - 7:30pm @ Rocksound Music Bar - Barcelona, Spain - promoted by Bateras Beat Barcelona
Aug 15 - 7pm @ Auditório EM&T Campinas - av. Carlos Grimaldi 145, Campinas SP, Brazil
Aug 16 - 8pm @ Teatro Carlos Gomes, Salão Nobre, Centro - Blumenau SC, Brazil

And, just before these clinics.... I am on the road with Carmen Souza, playing the last few shows of the "Protegid" Tour. Stay tuned for more dates in the fall for her new CD Release, "Kachupada". Here is a new review of the upcoming new album!

July 27 - Luanda Jazz Festival - Luanda, Angola - Africa
Aug 1 & 2 - Red Sea Jazz Festival - Eilat, Israel

Monday, July 9, 2012

Texas bound

Hello friends!
Just a quick post to let you know what's happening this week.... 
I am on my way to Texas to work on a record by the very talented guitarist/songwriter Dan Rixon. His songs are super cool, it should be a lot of fun in the studio! More info on this as it happens. Dan's plan is to have a release by the end of the year, if not sooner.

While in Texas, I am very happy to be playing a couple of gigs with my friend and tremendous musician/composer Gabriel Santiago. Its an honor to participate in his group and play his music!
The gigs are - 
July 13th at the The Firehouse Lounge, Austin, TX - 9pm
July 14th at Carmens de la Calle, San Antonio, TX - 8:30pm. 

see you out there!

Dan Rixon -
Gabriel Santiago -

I am a drummer - percussionist - composer - artist based in New York City, NY. Please visit my website: